M249A Metrahit Energy With 3 Safety Measurement Cables And 4 Mm Test
Digital hand-held multimeter with TRMS measurement
Power measurement (W, VAR, VA, PF): active, reactive and apparent power, power factor
Energy measurement (Wh, VARh, VAh) active, reactive and apparent energy, mean power value with adjustable observation period, and maximum value
Power Quality Analysis: recording of over and under voltage, sags/dips, swells, voltage peaks, and transients in 50 and 60Hz systems
Harmonic analysis: RMS values and distortion components up to the 15th harmonic at 16.7, 50, 60, and 400Hz
Special measuring functions: crest factor CF, conductivity nS, low resistance RSL, duty cycle %, cable length
M249A Metrahit Energy 带 3 条安全测量电缆和 4 毫米测试
带 TRMS 测量的数字手持万用表
电能质量分析:记录 50 和 60Hz 系统中的过压和欠压、骤降/骤降、骤升、电压峰值和瞬变
特殊测量功能:波峰因数 CF、电导率 nS、低电阻 RSL、占空比%、电缆长度