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HD Electric CC-II/100 Cap Check II 便携包版



The Cap Check capacitor testers are designed to identify internal problems within a capacitor or bank of capacitors. The instruments are proven to be a valuable asset in maintaining pole-mounted and substation capacitors. Due to incipient faults, a capacitor may fail or rupture upon re-energizing. During product development, it was determined that a minimum of 50 volts must be applied across a capacitor to detect incipient faults due to shorting between individual plates. All Cap Check’s allow for testing from 50 to 480 volts AC.

Cap Check II is designed to test substation racks of capacitors. It is housed in a case with handles or on a dolly and requires 120-volt external power.


  • Quickly and easily test capacitors for incipient faults,failures and ruptures in capacitors without disconnecting individual capacitors
  • Keep more capacitors in service by identifying failing or partially failing capacitors
  • Increase safety by identifying potentially hazardous conditions
  • Prevent costly clean-ups when capacitors fail
  • Determine the “true”internal condition of capacitors by impressing voltage (up to 480 volts) across each capacitor (Note: many handheld instruments cannot identify certain problems within capacitors)
  • Eliminate unnecessary replacement of good capacitors
  • Properly test new capacitors on receipt from factory
  • Quickly enable field or lab tests of either individual capacitors or capacitors in banks to confirm proper operation
  • Replace forced outages caused by capacitor failures with preventative maintenance
  • Portable unit speeds testing and increases flexibility
  • Provides accurate measurement & excellent repeatability 

Cap Check II Carrying Case Version (CC-II/100) provides the same features and options as the console version. It is housed in an aluminum carrying case.

HD Electric CC-II/100 Cap Check II 便携包版

Cap Check 电容器测试仪旨在识别电容器或电容器组的内部问题。事实证明,这些仪器是维护杆装和变电站电容器的宝贵资产。由于初期故障,电容器在重新通电时可能会失效或破裂。在产品开发过程中,确定必须在电容器两端施加至少 50 伏的电压,以检测由于各个板之间的短路引起的早期故障。所有 Cap Check 都允许测试 50 到 480 伏交流电。
Cap Check II 设计用于测试电容器的变电站机架。它装在带把手的箱子或小车上,需要 120 伏的外部电源。
通过在每个电容器上施加电压(高达 480 伏)来确定电容器的“真实”内部状况(注意:许多手持式仪器无法识别电容器内部的某些问题)
Cap Check II 便携包版本 (CC-II/100) 提供与控制台版本相同的功能和选项。它装在一个铝制手提箱中。

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