FLIR TA72 Universal Flex Current Probe Accessory 10”
The FLIR Universal Flex Current Probe accessories are designed to add capabilities, simplify challenges, and get the best readings with your existing meter. Made with a narrow flexible coil clamp, the TA72 and TA74 let you easily take measurements in tight or awkward spots — a difficult task with a traditional hard jaw clamp meter. The connection is a standard banana plug and the output is a voltage signal, so it’s compatible with most DMMs and clamp meters, regardless of brand.
FLIR TA72 通用 Flex 电流探头附件 10”
FLIR TA72 通用 Flex 电流探头附件 10”
FLIR Universal Flex 电流探头附件旨在增加功能、简化挑战并使用现有仪表获得最佳读数。 TA72 和 TA74 由一个狭窄的柔性线圈夹制成,让您可以轻松地在狭窄或尴尬的地方进行测量——这是传统硬爪钳表的一项艰巨任务。 连接是标准香蕉插头,输出是电压信号,因此它与大多数数字万用表和钳表兼容,无论品牌如何。