Electronic airflow meter type DBM 620
Measuring ranges from 35 to 4250 m3/h, +/-2500 Pa, 0,2 to 10 m/s, 0 to 100 %RH, -20 to 70 °C
Removable Bluetooth pressure measuring unit
One hood included
Supplied with base including temperature and humidity probe, pressure measuring unit, 610x610mm (2'x2') hood including foldable frame and airflow straightener, frame rods with sheath, 2x80cm of silicone tube, calibration certificate and transport case.
The free SmartKapp mobile App is available for data reading and processing on smartphone or tablet.
Air Changes per Hour (ACPH) metric is the first of its kind to be included in a Balometer
Lighter and smaller than previous models
Also functions as autonomous micro-manometer with Pitot tube attachment
DBM 620型电子空气流量计
测量范围从 35 到 4250 m3/h,+/-2500 Pa,0.2 到 10 m/s,0 到 100 %RH,-20 到 70 °C
提供的底座包括温度和湿度探头、压力测量装置、610x610mm (2'x2') 罩,包括可折叠框架和气流矫直器、带护套的框架杆、2x80cm 硅胶管、校准证书和运输箱。
免费的 SmartKapp 移动应用程序可用于在智能手机或平板电脑上读取和处理数据。
每小时换气量 (ACPH) 指标是第一个包含在气压计中的同类指标