The DVI emit an audible alarm when voltage above 100VAC is detected. They are very easy to use as there are no range selector switches or settings to be made – just contact the conductor and read the display
The DVI-500 is designed to be used on both transmission and distribution systems in overhead and underground applications. The DVI-500 indicates voltage from 0.1kV – 500kV and is auto-ranging with no range selector switch or settings required.Voltage is displayed on a large 1.45”LED display with a 3-digit readout. In addition, an audible alarm alerts the user to the presence of voltage above 100VAC. The DVI is auto shut-off and will turn off after 4 minutes of inactivity.
Two overhead probes are supplied with the DVI-500 - a large 6”overhead hook probe for transmission system use (HP-DVI-6) and a smaller 2”overhead hook probe for distribution system use (HP-DVI-2). Simply attach the correct probe for the proper overhead application. Use of a hotstick isrequired for all overhead and underground applications.
For use on system voltages up to 800kV (reads up to 500kV line-to-ground)
No range selector switch or settings required
Large LED display indicates the line-to-ground voltage level
Display is easy to read in bright or dark conditions
Voltage readout allows the user to distinguish between nominal and induced voltages
Audible indication when voltage is detected
Measure elbow test points with the DVI-500T and DVI-100T
Built-in universal spline for standard hotstick attachment
Built-in self test to verify proper operation
Auto shutoff with low battery function
Powered by a field replaceable 9V lithium or alkaline battery
Compact, rugged and lightweight polycarbonate housing
Kits are available, contact factory for details
HD Electric DVI-500/K01 数字电压指示器套件 (500kV)
当检测到电压高于 100VAC 时,DVI 会发出声音警报。它们非常易于使用,因为无需进行范围选择器开关或设置——只需接触导体并读取显示
DVI-500 设计用于架空和地下应用中的传输和分配系统。 DVI-500 可指示 0.1kV – 500kV 的电压,并且无需量程选择器开关或设置即可自动调整量程。电压显示在 1.45 英寸 LED 显示屏上,带有 3 位读数。此外,当电压高于 100VAC 时,会发出声音警报提醒用户。 DVI 是自动关闭的,将在 4 分钟不活动后关闭。
DVI-500 随附两个架空探头 - 一个用于传输系统的大型 6" 架空钩形探头 (HP-DVI-6) 和一个用于分配系统的较小的 2" 架空钩形探头 (HP-DVI-2)。只需为适当的高架应用连接正确的探头。所有架空和地下应用都需要使用热棒。
用于高达 800kV 的系统电压(读取高达 500kV 的线对地电压)
大型 LED 显示屏指示线对地电压电平
使用 DVI-500T 和 DVI-100T 测量肘部测试点
由现场可更换的 9V 锂或碱性电池供电