Scope 9404-05 with clock recovery
5 GHz bandwidth, 70 ps transition time, 4 channels, clock and data recovery
1 TS/s (1 ps resolution) random equivalent-time sampling
12-bit 500 MS/s ADCs, ±800 mV full-scale input range into 50 Ω
Pulse, eye and mask testing down to 45 ps and up to 11 Gb/s
10 mV/div to 0.25 V/div digital gain ranges
Intuitive and configurable touch-compatible Windows user interface
Comprehensive built-in measurements, zooms, data masks, histograms
Up to 250 kS trace length, shared between channels
Optional data outputs
Pico 9404-05 CDR - 5GHz、4 通道 9400 系列 SXRTO,具有时钟和数据恢复功能
具有时钟恢复功能的示波器 9404-05
5 GHz 带宽、70 ps 转换时间、4 通道、时钟和数据恢复
1 TS/s(1 ps 分辨率)随机等效时间采样
12 位 500 MS/s ADC,±800 mV 满量程输入范围至 50 Ω
脉冲、眼图和模板测试低至 45 ps 和高达 11 Gb/s
10 mV/div 至 0.25 V/div 数字增益范围
直观且可配置的触控兼容 Windows 用户界面
高达 250 kS 的走线长度,在通道之间共享