The TAG-5000Wireless Phaser is designed to perform many of the existing functions of conventional voltmeter/phaser devices. However, the TAG-5000 uses state-of-the-art technology to eliminate the cord and lighten the weight of this important testing device.
The TAG-5000 consists of two units, a transmitter and receiver, which communicate via radio frequency signal. This eliminates the need for a connecting cord found on traditional phasing sets and makes the instrument quicker and easier to operate. Since the units communicate via radio signals, the range of operation is extended to more than 33 feet through the air, over 1,000 feet along overhead conductors and can operate through walls or partitions.
The TAG-5000 can be used for all overhead and underground phasing applications with appropriate underground probes and is ideal for use at higher voltages – up to 230kV – where safety and ease-of-use are prime considerations.
The TAG-5000 transmitter initially acts as a voltage detector when placed on a conductor to confirm the line is energized. It then transmits a signal in relation to the phase reference of that conductor. The receiver indicates by LED lights and an audible alarm signal if the conductor is in-phase with the conductor the transmitter is contacting.
No connecting cord between transmitter and receiver
Phase through walls and metal enclosures
Perform phasing operations
Phase conductors on system voltages up to 230kV (phase-to-phase)
Clear indications of in-phase/out-of-phase conditions with both audible and visual indications
Rugged and lightweight
All-Check™ self-test feature for verifying proper operation prior to use
Built-in universal splines for hotstick attachment
Both transmitter and receiver powered by 9V lithium or alkaline battery
Includes overhead probes and foam filled carrying case
HD Electric TAG-5000 无线移相器套装 (4-230kV)
TAG-5000 无线移相器旨在执行传统电压表/移相器设备的许多现有功能。然而,TAG-5000 使用最先进的技术来消除电源线并减轻这一重要测试设备的重量。
TAG-5000 由两个单元组成,一个发射器和一个接收器,它们通过射频信号进行通信。这消除了对传统相位装置上的连接线的需要,并使仪器操作起来更快更容易。由于这些装置通过无线电信号进行通信,操作范围通过空中扩展到超过 33 英尺,沿架空导线超过 1,000 英尺,并且可以穿过墙壁或隔板操作。
TAG-5000 可通过合适的地下探头用于所有架空和地下相位应用,非常适合在更高电压(高达 230kV)下使用,其中安全性和易用性是首要考虑因素。
TAG-5000 变送器在放置在导体上时最初用作电压检测器,以确认线路已通电。然后它传输与该导体的相位参考相关的信号。如果导体与发射器接触的导体同相,接收器会通过 LED 灯和声音警报信号进行指示。
系统电压高达 230kV(相间)的相导体
All-Check™ 自检功能,用于在使用前验证操作是否正确
发射器和接收器均由 9V 锂电池或碱性电池供电