Scope 6824E 500 MHz, 8 channel, FlexRes
8, 10 or 12 bits FlexRes ® ADC
8 analog channels
8 digital channels
500 MHz bandwidth
Dual 5 GS/s ADCs
4 GS capture memory (up to 2 GS per trace)
50 MHz 200 MS/s 14-bit AWG
USB 3.0 interface
±10 mV to ±20 V full-scale input ranges
300 000 waveforms per second update rate
Free PicoScope 6 and PicoSDK software
Serial decoding and mask limit testing
High-resolution time-stamping of waveforms
Over ten million DeepMeasure™ results per acquisition
Advanced triggers: pulse width, runt pulse, windowed,
Pico 6824E 示波器 6824E 示波器 500 MHz,8 通道,FlexRes
示波器 6824E 500 MHz,8 通道,FlexRes
8、10 或 12 位 FlexRes® ADC
500 MHz 带宽
双 5 GS/s ADC
4 GS 捕获内存(每条迹线最多 2 GS)
50 MHz 200 MS/s 14 位 AWG
USB 3.0 接口
±10 mV 至 ±20 V 满量程输入范围
每秒 300 000 个波形更新率
免费的 PicoScope 6 和 PicoSDK 软件
每次采集超过 1000 万个 DeepMeasure™ 结果