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HD 电动 IEP-EA/C 绝缘地下弯头探头



The IEP-EA/C Underground Elbow Probe is designed for insertion onto 15, 25 and 35kV loadbreak elbow probes. The probe must be inserted directly onto the elbow probe and remain free and clear of all surrounding surfaces. It is rated for use up to 21kV phase to ground.

HD 电动 IEP-EA/C 绝缘地下弯头探头

IEP-EA/C 地下弯头探头设计用于插入 15、25 和 35kV 断路弯头探头。 探头必须直接插入弯头探头上,并保持自由并远离所有周围表面。 它的额定使用电压最高可达 21kV。

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